Taran Skye Photography

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Material Desire

Material Desire

Since coming travelling me and Hannah have both had to live with less, mainly because of that fact that having less in your bag means its not so heavy on your back, but I had started living this way in a sense before we left home.

Back in the UK I had things, in fact my bedroom was filled with stuff I had collected over the years.. Most of it was sat in draws not doing anything, including a hell of a lot of old clothes!

Deciding to come travelling was kind of like a release from from it all, in the months before we left I managed to give away almost all of my clothes, saving only a few things in case I was to visit home at some point and need more layers :P We sold dvds, gave old games and toys to charity shops, handed on items to friends and family, by the end of it my room was completely bare!

Whilst we have been travelling I have maintained this lack of material desire, I can probably count on 1 hand the amount of 'things' I have bought over the last 10 months on the road! I have the exact same clothes that I packed 10 months ago, in fact I have less than what I packed as I have left things behind along the way in an effort to make my bag lighter..

We have been fortunate to have had paid jobs for 2 months of our travels so far and thus we both were able to use the money to buy something we both wanted, I bought a camera and Hannah bought a small net-book. Living this way really does allow us to have more time to travel and spend less time working for those travel funds :]

My small backpack has been through the wars out here but instead of buying a new one I fixed the straps to make sure it would last a lot longer, I also had a pair of shoes that were fighting a losing battle, I fixed them about 10 times with glue but in the end they were too far gone.. but leaving them behind certainly saved me some space and weight in my bag :D And who needs shoes in Australia anyway!

Not only does living this way save you money but it also makes you free from the clutches of your things.. I feel far less worried about where my stuff is because I have hardly anything!

Thanks for reading!

Taran here, one half of NomaderHowFar. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, forcing Hannah to do crazy things, and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know us here!

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