Experiencing the best of Britain [Camping in South Wales, 1]
Experiencing the best of Britain
Arriving at 8pm after a mildly long and tiring drive across into Wales, we found ourselves pitching up in a pristine camping field, overlooking the sea at sunset, pretty much entirely alone (we were the only campers for one night).
The view from our tent :)
A brisk breeze and sounds of the sea-side serenaded us as we set-up home.
The Gower Peninsula was the first place in the UK to be designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and she certainly lives up to that title we quickly found.
Epically pretty, rugged and a little bit special, we definitely found peace, relaxation and enchantment here.
Just outside our camp-site was the start of some walking trails we decided to embark on come our first morning.
We found ourselves roaming through open fields of sheep, wondering when the edge of the cliff would come.
We then hopped a fence to join the designated path and so began a steep descent down to find the rocky coastal edge.
As we walked along the edge of some dark and deserted woods (bar a couple and their dog), we spotted a little opening which led us to this rocky beach, that had a rope to help people climb down to it! It was a great spot to get a little sunshine as the forest was not letting much light under its canopy.
We sat here in the sun for a while and had our sandwiches whilst taking in the view :)
An WWII lookout post on the cliffs, all overgrown and eerie!
After an hour or so of exploring the exposed rocky area known as Oxwich Point, we made our way back along the trail, up some hills, where we happened upon a large World War Two lookout post nestled amongst overgrown trees and bushes.
We gingerly walked inside, noticing all the old decaying fixtures and thinking how cool it was to imagine all those who had been in there before us.
Hannah topping up her cider levels :P
Taran mused that it would be awesome to set-up some sort of Cafe or hangout place in the bunkers, but the 45-minute trek to it might put people off visiting :).
Trying some proper Welsh ale!
We then headed back through the woods, finding our way into the tiny village of Oxwich next to the beach.
What struck me about the area of Gower in general was the lack of amenities such as large food stores or other such things, which of course made it an even more invigorating time, a true break from the overwhelming and built-up nature of a busy city.
The air smelt different here, the atmosphere was refreshing to us both. And what's more refreshing that a spot of cider/ale in the afternoon!
As we got our drinks we had a sharp intake of breath when the lady said "That's £9.25 please", I did well not to show the horror on my face.
And that was it for our first day of exploring, as we headed back to our tent in the lonely field and made some dinner before heading to dream land. A thoroughly chilled but interesting start to our trip.
Read Part Two :)
Hannah and Taran here. We hail from Southern England, where we met online and are now realizing our mutual passion for travel here at NomaderHowFar. We discuss Nomadic Living, Simplifying your Life and Long-term Travel, to empower, motivate and inspire our readers.