Making Space Art - Taran's Hobby
Making Space Art - Taran's Hobby
One of my very first paintings! All done with acrylic and brush. 'Dark Space'
In Late 2012 I discovered what is now my hobby of painting anything to do with the the universe and outer space, I started with a brush and did a few paintings which I liked but I always felt like there must be a better way of doing space art, one that meant I could make paintings look much more realistic!
I then discovered a way of making swirling clouds by using a lot of water with the acrylic, I was really pleased with the results and continued to make a few paintings like this:
Spray Paint!?
After wondering about new ways to paint, one of my friends showed me a video of a man in the street painting space art with spray paint, that was it! That was what I had been looking for!! I invested in a bunch of cans and did some research on the best methods on using them, and within hours of the cans arriving I had made my first piece of art with spray paint! It wasn't anything amazing, but it was my first attempt and it didn't turn out too horrible :P
One of the paintings done with a lot of water and diluted paint. 'Swirling Star'
Me happy after completing my first spray painted painting! 'Orange Spike'
After my first attempt, I started to get much better (in my opinion anyway) and I was doing at least 1 painting a week at one point!! I absolutely love working with spray paint as it allows for much more realistic cloud and star effects, the planets can also come out looking great!
Working on a piece, my friend bought it off me before I could finish it! 'Star Burst'
My Painting 'Frozen' looking great in the bedroom of the old couple who bought it :D
Below is a collection of my most favourite paintings made with spray paint, please let me know what you think in the comments section below :)
(click pictures to make them bigger)
Click HERE for my art FB page if you want to see some more paintings!
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, one half of NomaderHowFar. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, forcing Hannah to do crazy things, and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know us here!
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