We've Been Nominated For The Liebster Award!!
We've Been Nominated For The Liebster Award!!
What an honor, our first nomination for a Liebster award! Thanks to Travelling Weasels for nominating us :)
The rules are:
- Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to his or her blog.
- Answer the 10 questions by the nominee before you.
- Nominate 10 of your favourite blogs and notify them of their nomination.
- Come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
Well, here are our 10 answers..
Which travel blog is your favourite blog and why?
Haha! Hard question.. We are kinda new to the blogging game, and discover great new blogs all the time. But one we will mention is AroundForHappiness, their personality and the casual, funny tone of their blog posts is a really great to read. Also it's been great to discover another young travelling couple, in Travelling Weasels! We have already got some valuable info from reading their site.
What made you decide to start your own travel blog?
Well it was a bit of a quick decision after agreeing on plans to travel Australia for 2 years. We wanted to be able to let friends and family see our adventures, but then it turned into something bigger than that and we are loving it!
What do you love most about travelling?
Meeting new people, seeing new places, living on the road, and just generally having a great time!
How long do you want to travel for?
Indefinitely :) We are planning 2 years in Oz, but also have plans to go straight to South East Asia after that and then maybe America.. But we are just going to go with the flow :)
Where do you want to go the most and why?
I (Taran) really want to go visit Restoration Island in Oz! Its a small island owned by 1 guy, hopefully we can score a visit.
I (Hannah) obviously cannot wait to visit all of Oz in general, but i also cannot wait to visit the Daintree rainforest in Port Douglas. The place i always wanted to visit was the Grand Canyon, and i ticked that off 5 years ago! So Oz has to top that for me.
How many countries have you been to?
Chilling out on L.A boulevard in 2008!
We are yet to visit any countries together but we've both been to America, Turkey and Spain. Other places one or the other of us have visited are The Netherlands, France, Greece and a few more I'm sure, but we would have to get out the photo albums haha!
How many countries have you lived in?
We have both only ever lived in England :( But we aim to change that!!
What's your favourite country that you've been to and why?
I think we would both have to say America, it was great meeting such friendly people and seeing the greats sights and lifestyle L.A has to offer.
What's the best thing that ever happened to you whilst travelling?
Well I (Taran) am yet to actually go travelling.. But whilst on a 1 week mates holiday to Spain we all wandered down to the local town, I managed to convince everyone to climb over some rocks on the beach and follow some little paths around the cliff edge which led us back to our beach hotel after about an hour.. It was much better exploring than just walking bk along the road!
Leaving the city, and heading round the cliffs.
What thing have you done whilst travelling that you think is overrated?
Relaxing, I mean we don't mind just chilling out, but when your in a new place with limited time, you might as well make the most of it and see as much as possible!
Well there ya go! Now, we nominate..
2. Travel Hacks
5. MyTanFeet
8. Wotazoo
9. HoneyTrek
And our questions are..
1. How long have you been travelling or how long do you want to travel for?
2. Whats the weirdest thing that's happened whilst you've been travelling?
3. How have you lived whilst travelling? Hostels, Couchsurfing, Hotels, On the street? Haha!
4. What jobs have you done whilst travelling?
5. Whats the best/weirdest food you have eaten whilst abroad?
6. What was your favourite animal you saw in the wild whilst travelling?
7. Where have you stayed the longest and why?
8. At what age will you stop travelling and join the rest of society.. ?
9. Where have been the best/worst places you have slept?
10. If you could have one superpower, what would it be haha!
Be sure to let us know when you finish so we can read your answers! And enjoy!!
Thanks for reading!
Hannah and Taran here. We hail from Southern England, where we met online and are now realizing our mutual passion for travel here at Nomad'erHowFar. We discuss Nomadic Living, Simplifying your Life and Long-term Travel, to empower, motivate and inspire our readers. Get to know us here!