10 Stunning Reasons To Visit Magnetic Island

If you've never heard of Magnetic Island, its an abundantly interesting and sparsely populated Jurassic island...

10 Stunning Reasons To Visit Magnetic Island

If you've never heard of Magnetic Island, its an abundantly interesting and sparsely populated Jurassic island.

When you arrive in the neighbouring city of Townsville you will be greeted with a spectacular view of the entire island just off the coast, and, if you climb to the top of Castle hill you will get an even better view just like the one below!

The atmosphere on the island is extremely laid back and friendly, which you would imagine from a place that only has a population of 2,107. The small bays dotted around the coast-line are home to a few shops and bars, where you can grab a cheap bag of chips and watch the sunset on the beach, which looks awesome set against the silhouetted hills that surround the bays.

The wildlife on the island is vast and you will be sure to spot more than enough to fill your camera up! Make sure to head to Bungalow Bay at 4.30pm where they feed the Lorikeets everyday.

Magnetic Island is famous for its hikes, which will lead you around the mountain tops and along the coast lines. Small sheltered bays like Arthur Bay, pictured below, will be a regular sighting during your walks.

Another incredible sighting is the rock wallabies that can easily be seen at Geoffrey Bay during sunset; many people come to this spot with wallaby seed and carrots to feed the wallabies. If you're lucky the kind old man who comes here every day on his mobility scooter will offer you some feed (if you ask nicely).

Make sure you keep an eye out for the mothers carrying joey's in their pouches! They are incredibly cute if you catch them poking their little heads out to join in the evenings action.

Magnetic Island is also home to over 800 wild koalas, and with it being such a small place you have a great chance of spotting one in its natural habitat! Just grab some water, head out on one of the various walks and keep an eye out for arrows people have made in the ground, as these will indicate where to look.

There are some interesting WW2 ruins dotted along the trails on the Forts Walk, and keep an eye out for bats and spiders in dark rooms like these ;]


Huge rocks make up most of the scenery on Maggie Island, which give the place a feel of real age. Some of these rocks formed over 270 million years ago... If your into rock climbing, you've hit the jackpot!

We had to finish with another koala shot of this little fellow who climbed down his tree right in front of us to say hello. A true money-cant-buy experience!

So now you know why Magnetic Island is a must visit, and you're wondering how you too can experience it!? Go check out our review of what we believe to be one of the best places to stay while you're there!

taran ramshaw

Thanks for reading!

Taran here, one half of NomaderHowFar. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, forcing Hannah to do crazy things, and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know us here!


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