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Couchsurfingでは自分の周辺にいる相手を表示してくれます。アプリ上で一旦連絡を取り合い、待ち合わせ場所を指定します。私と彼が初めて待ち合わせしたのは、東京タワーが綺麗に見える芝公園でした。東京に住んでいると、THE観光地にはあまり行かないですよね…(^^; 東京タワーってこんな綺麗だったんだなーなんて思ったのを覚えてます(笑)
彼はベジタリアンなので、六本木にあるFalafel Brothersというファラフェルが最高に美味しいお店に行きました・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+芝公園からは徒歩約20分で行けます☆
私は元々大のお肉好き、ミートイーターだったので、ベジタリアン料理って何?ちゃんと味ついてるの?といった風に正直思っていました´д` ;
*Couchsurfing : 一対一でゆっくり話をしたい人におすすめ。近くにいる人をアプリが教えてくれるから、待ち合わせがしやすく、スケジュールも合わせやすい。
*Meetups : 20代前半から30代前半、若い年齢層の方が参加しているイメージ。日本人も外国人の方もたくさん参加している。ハロウィーンやクリスマスイベントだけでなくお花見などたくさんのイベントを開催して、いろんな人に会いやすい。
*InterNations : 20代後半から40代と幅広い年齢層の方が参加していて、どちらかというとビジネスよりのイメージ。私の友人は自分の仕事をアピールする場に最適と言ってました。
ぜひ自分に合いそうなアプリを試してみてくださいねー!✌︎('ω'✌︎ )
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
Related Articles:
Tokyo, The Centre Of The World // Photo Essay
Japan’s Tokyo is a mega city, it’s the most populated city on earth with Delhi, India coming in second and China’s Shanghai in third place!
Tokyo, The Centre Of The World // Photo Essay
Japan’s Tokyo is a mega city, it’s the most populated city on earth with Delhi, India coming in second and China’s Shanghai in third place! It’s a vibrant, crazy, exciting urban playground that feels more than just alive, in fact it can feel overwhelming at times!
After living in the city for around 9 months I found myself feeling that I knew my way around Tokyo like the back of my hand but at the same time making new discoveries every day. Nevertheless for this article I’d like to introduce Makoto (真琴), a local who has lived in Tokyo for several years but has also lived in the quieter countryside of Japan, to give her thoughts and feelings on this iconic city.
Coming from Shizouka, a small town at the base of Mt. Fuji I am a bit of a countryside girl, so I was a little bit scared to start my new life in the big city of Tokyo. People look exhausted because from long work hours and don’t make eye contact with strangers, “typical” city people.. however, my perspective was changed after living there for several years.
Tokyo is a place where everything happens, Odaiba is one of the most popular places to visit not only for foreigners but also for Locals. If you want to find a place to go on a date with someone then this is the place! You can go shopping in future robot malls, play some old-school Japanese games in retro arcades and lots of events are held every month, you can basically do everything in Odaiba.
One of my most favourite places is the TeamLab Borderless digital art museum pictured above! I was absolutely immersed in the magical lights!
Every morning and evening I had to ride a train for one hour to go to and from work, I’ve never experienced such crowds in my life and I was regularly already tired before starting work. I felt like I had to be ready for a battle of winning a seat against strangers but normally I ended up standing for the whole journey. One time Taran joined me in rush hour, he was holding onto a handle but a surge of humans rushed in and all of a sudden his feet were lifted off the ground and he spent the next 10 minutes holding on for dear life or face falling onto the people sat below! I now understand why Tokyoite’s always look tired.
I’ve come to realise that Japanese people love travelling inside Japan almost as much as going abroad, they dress up in kimono’s to go to the famous Sensoji temple in Asakusa, wear yukata’s for firework festivals or go to kawaii (cute) little animal cafes. One of the things I like about Tokyo is it feels like you’re sightseeing all the time in your own country!
Another thing I like about Japan is how many people enjoy dressing up in their favourite costumes to meet up with other passionate cosplayers, me and Taran were amazed to see everyone was super friendly and confidently welcomed the photo shoots.
Even if you are in a busy urban jungle like Tokyo, you can still enjoy the beauty of nature, you can admire seasonal events, for instance when it’s the rainy season you can go to Kamakura to see Ajisai flowers (Hydrangea) and in the spring season you can see the lovely views of Sakuras (cherry blossoms). Just outside of Tokyo resides my hometown of Shizuoka featuring Mt. Fuji, Fuji San is normally a little bit shy, hiding behind clouds, but if you are lucky you can see the whole figure of the highest mountain in Japan.
Overall, I would say I liked living in Tokyo, of course there were times I was sick of so many people surrounding me all the time on trains and everywhere you go but at the same time I enjoyed seeing and experiencing lots of different aspects of the city.
“Tokyo is a traveller’s playground, every corner you find something interesting and cool to see.”
Thanks Makoto for giving us a insiders view on this iconic city and what it’s like to live there.
Now check out my ‘Japan’ photo-book on Amazon including some of the photos above and many more:
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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5 Reasons That Prove Japan Is Stuck In The 90's
Japan, home to the ultra modern future city Tokyo.. When most people think of Japan they have this image of a country living in the future with robots to do your…
5 Reasons That Prove Japan Is Stuck In The 90’s
Japan, home to the ultra modern future city Tokyo.. When most people think of Japan they have this image of a country living in the future with robot restaurants and perfectly on time trains, so why wouldn’t everything else be just as futuristic?! After living in Japan you come to realise not everything is as it seems.. In fact there is a lot of aspects of Japanese life that is stuck in the past compared to its western counterparts, and here are some of the biggest..
1. free/easy phone number!? not in japan.
You know how in say, the UK, you can walk into most convenience stores and grab a free or very cheap pay-as-you-go sim card, stick it in your phone and within a few short activation steps you will be ready to receive calls? Well that’s not quite the case here in Japan..
Having a phone number is way more serious here and thus getting one requires a lot more legwork, not to mention there is no such thing as pay-as-you-go. Yes that’s right, to have the privilege of a number that can make and receive calls you must sign up to at least a year-long contract with heavy cancellation fees for those deciding it might be costing too much..
There are ways around this with newer smaller companies that understand not everyone is living in japan for years but would like to receive calls (and not to mention you need a Japanese number to open a bank account), they still charge you a monthly fee and you have to pay the same hefty cost for the initial sim-card, but it’s way cheaper than what the big names are offering.
2. Sorry what.. you don’t eat animals?!
It’s a well known fact that eating a vegetarian diet can be better for your health if you eat the right stuff, sorry, eating chips and greasy veggie burgers wont save you..
In Europe vegetarian and vegan diets have boomed in recent years seeing a plethora of dedicated restaurants open and almost every restaurant having at least 1 veggie option, this is also the same of supermarkets with growing sections dedicated to non-meat products as more and more variety appears it is a great time to try out a less meaty diet (coming from someone who has been vegetarian since around 1995).
Photo by Rustic Vegan on Unsplash
But here in Japan it is almost unrecognised as a thing to not eat meat and even if you manage to find something with no ‘meat’ in it, it still might have fish hidden in there somewhere because it’s such a alien concept to not eat the two staples of the Japanese diet.
In big city’s like Tokyo you can often find a vegetarian restaurant if you do a little searching, but you definitely wont be finding veggie options in most eateries and food in convenience stores is not clearly marked as there is no need. Many a time have I bought a ‘cheese & onion roll’ only to bite into it and find a load of ham..
3. Smoking does what for my health?!
It may seem like the distant past when you think about smoking in a bar in the West or seeing an advert for a cigarette brand, but here in Japan it seems that the tobacco companies have still got a firm grasp on their presence in daily life here. Packaging does not have to abide by any laws involving displaying horrifying images, and smoking in bars is seen as just as normal as drinking in bars.
It’s almost as if the government hasn’t stepped in to inform people just how bad it is to smoke.. One of the biggest shocks I came across was seeing a cigarette shop owned by a famous company selling only their brand!
4. Would you like a straw, spoon, and a bag with that?
This was one of my biggest disappointments when I arrived in Japan, the amount of plastic that gets used is outrageous! If you go to a convenience store even to buy 1 item they will pop it into a bag without asking (Protip: “hukuro daijoubudes” means “I’m okay without a bag”), most items come in their own plastic packaging but the store will sometimes individually bag each item and then place them all into a bag and maybe double bag it just in case..
If you buy a drink, expect it to be bagged and coupled with a straw, if you buy a sandwich it will be bagged with plastic wrapped chopsticks and individually wrapped hand wipes. You will have a really hard time getting by trying to avoid it all and people will often find it strange when you don’t want a bag, I think it all boils down to a lack of awareness and naivety here, which is a shame as Japan is technically a 1st world country.
5. Cash Only, sorry..
Something that is tied very closely to the culture in Japan is the use of actual cash, their coins have symbolic meanings related to luck and they are used frequently at temples. For these reasons the whole conversion to cashless payments has been a much harder/slower transition for Japanese people, a lot of restaurants and bars still only operate in cash which can be quite a shock sometimes being that Japan is often seen as the technological frontier of the world.
But things are changing.. for the most part in big cities you can grab a IC card which will allow you to pay for transport and transactions in convenience store with a tap (admittedly you still need to top it up with cash though.. doh!).
While most supermarkets and better known shops accept credit cards, it is still necessary to carry around that emergency wad of cash just to be sure, but hey, at least you can be sure in the knowledge that Japan is one of the safest countries in the world.
Have your preconceptions about Japan been blown?! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below..
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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Living On Top Of The World // Hakuba Mountains
Upon arriving in Japan my mission was to find some work, well, it was second on my list while I explored this new land, but while I was in Tokyo I cam across an opportunity..
Living On Top Of The World // Hakuba Mountains
Upon arriving in Japan my mission was to find some work, well, it was second on my list while I explored this new land, but while I was in Tokyo I cam across an opportunity..
I was being hosted my some lovely couch-surfers when the conversation got onto photography and one of them mentioned some work they had done up in the mountains that had some crazy views a photographer could only dream of!
And so she introduced me to someone currently working there, I sent my details and before I knew it I was crouching on the ground about to fly in a helicopter for the first time! I was pretty lucky in that 90% of the staff have to hike the 4 hour journey up the mountain.. but they had a spare seat so I jumped at the chance!
The Views
Arriving in my new home for the next 2 months I was greeted with the most spectacular view from my little window, my room was a tiny box with no electricity, no internet and no heating, but it didn’t matter because this view was unreal! It looked like my window was actually a desktop wallpaper!
These were the views I had to put up with everyday! The evening sunsets were unreal and being able to see distant mountains on clear days was a real treat, annoyingly My work shifts landed right on sunset but seeing gazing at the colourful clouds on my 10 minute breaks was quite something.
The Work
It wasn’t anything glamorous, I was working in the kitchen mainly, this included waking up early to start work at 4am making breakfast/do the washing up. I also would have to clean the rooms and then later in the evening prepare dinner/again more washing up.. The work was every single day unless a day off was requested, which was great for my savings but pretty flipping tiring.. Can you guess which is my pair of gloves above?
The Wildlife
About halfway through my time on the mountain I celebrated my birthday by taking a day off (this and one weekend down from the mountain were my only breaks). I went for a morning hike, hoping to reach the top of one of the tallest mountains in the area but about halfway there I bumped into a family of wild Japanese macaques!
If you want to see what camera I use, go here!
They were enjoying the morning sun and didn’t take much notice of me.. at first. I managed to get pretty close and take some really nice photos but then they decided I had overstayed my welcome or maybe got a little too close, as the adults started to run at me while screeching! I decided not to stand my ground and fight, turning and hopping down the rocks away from them and throwing a few warning stones in their direction!! Luckily I was able to out pace them down the hill and they retreated back to the ridge.
The mountains are also home to a species of bird called raicho or ptarmigan in English, I managed to get up close with this little one who was a lot friendlier than the monkeys!
The Storms
My birthday was the start of what seemed like endless storms and dense cloud coverage that continued until the end of my time on the mountain, which occasional breaks for a day or two. This meant that the supply helicopter was unable to resupply us on my birthday, the day it was scheduled for.. it was eventually delayed by 10 days meaning that we almost completely ran out of food and had to start limiting the number of guests!
During this time the infamous typhoon Jebi that was said to be the most powerful Japan had seen in 25 years passed pretty close to our location. We had to evacuate our normal sleeping quarters and all move into one building for safety, we also spent the previous day putting metal shutters on all the windows and bringing everything not nailed down inside.. Luckily the only damage was cosmetic, few smashed solar panels and wall panels ripped off but it was still a pretty crazy few days!
The Views, again..
Its easy to get used the the views when you see them all day everyday, and it was no exception here, after a few weeks it got to the point where I was no longer sitting and staring during my time off, but every now and then nature would throw something new into the mix and give a glorious show again! Seeing the peak of Mt. Surugi poking out above the sea of clouds or the evening fog eerily sweeping over the mountains were some of those moments.
Seeing the Milky Way in such detail is something I always love witnessing, and was one of the reasons I came here after seeing my friend’s photo of the stars. We only had a few perfect nights for stargazing, but it was worth being mega tired in the morning as seeing this many stars is not something everyone gets a chance to see.
If you want some help taking great photos, check out my guide here!
The Team
I knew coming to Japan that I would face a language barrier that was going to take some work to overcome in terms of continuing to learn after spending 2 years learning bits and pieces via a phone app.. but I wasn’t prepared to be the only foreigner working here, and to make things even more difficult there was only 1 guy who could speak English fluently, a couple who knew about as much English as I knew Japanese and the rest couldn’t speak any English..
To make things more awkward, of course I was the only vegetarian.. which meant I couldn’t join in with the group meals and had to cook my own food as it seemed almost every dish cooked included some form of fish or meat.. gah! Above is my signature vegan burger which I actually ended up serving for a few vegan customers when the chef was stumped as to what to give them!
For all the isolation I felt from this place, it was a very memorable experience being the first time I had been this high (altitude wise :P), I was forced to improve my Japanese and it was a great way to learn, made some great friends, endured the worst typhoon to hit Japan in 25 years and most importantly enjoyed some amazing photo/video opportunities. Would you live & work in a place like this?
Now check out the awesome video I made about my time there..
Thinking about coming to Japan on a Working Holiday Visa?: Check out this handy guide
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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Best Place To View Tokyo Tower
Managing to find a few rooftops that were easy-ish to access, I ended up sleeping on one with Tokyo Tower providing an dreamy view to drift off to and..
Best Place To View Tokyo Tower
Visiting Tokyo and want to get some incredible views of Japans famous Tokyo Tower? You could always visit it and pay to go up inside it, but in my opinion the best views of Tokyo Tower are the free ones in the evening when it lights up like a Christmas tree!
There are various quiet little spots dotted around the Tokyo Tower which offer great close up views and places to relax during the evening while taking in the awe of the light show.
One of my favourite places is a small circular park (Google Maps link) located about 200 metres from Tokyo Tower which seems to be the perfect distance to view the entire tower! It is a moderately sized open patch of grass which also happens to be visited my many dog owners in the evening, so while you're enjoying the lights you can pet some doggos as well! Bonus!!
Feeling a tad daring?
Your could always get an even crazier view that includes the city skyline from above, and I don't mean paying to go to observation deck.. I managed to find a few rooftops that were easy-ish to access, I even ended up sleeping on one with Tokyo Tower providing an dreamy view to drift off to and a welcoming sight to wake up to!
But you will have to find out these places for yourself.. and I accept no responsibility if you get caught :P
If you want to enjoy the tower without the crowds, this park rarely gets that busy and can be quite a romantic spot to visit :)
If you've got the time to spend an evening tower watching then I highly recommend this park, be sure to take a few snacks and your camera!
More from Tokyo:
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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Borderless Exhibit // Mori Digital Art Museum Tokyo
Walk through a curtain hidden along one of the walls of the main hall and be transported into a mirrored realm of dream-like music and hanging lights..
Borderless Exhibit // Mori Digital Art Museum Tokyo
The Borderless art exhibit being permanently held at the Mori Digital Art Museum in Odaiba is a must see for anyone visiting Tokyo. After hearing about this new experience I knew it was going to be something I had to do, and luckily I managed to get some early tickets before it started selling out a month in advance (and I'm sure that it will only get more popular).
Upon entering this surreal world you will be instantly mesmerised as you find the main hall which has a raised platform which is a great place to take photos (it also acts a fun slide), the art in this room also interacts with you if you stand still!
Walk through a curtain hidden along one of the walls of this room and you will be transported into a mirrored realm of dream-like music and hanging lights, let your inner child come out as you follow the maze of paths though this bewildering forest of luminescence.
When you enter the flower forest you will be surrounded by mirrors and walls that will have you disorientated by the amount of colour and movement all around you. The feeling of sober hallucinating is intense and I cant only imagine what this would be like on some kind of drug, most probably too intense!
One of the most incredible parts of the exhibit was laying down on a huge net suspended in a cylinder shaped room and watching an explosion of shapes and colours dance above, below and all around us. Don't miss this part (although you will have to queue for a little bit to get inside).
After visiting this visually spectacular exhibit I am left wanting more, and luckily it seems like more of these types of modern art pieces are popping up in big city's around the world. I will definitely be on the look for the next trip down the rabbit hole, and so will you after you step out of wonderland..
Now it's time for the video:
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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The Secret Viewpoint Above Shibuya Crossing
If you're visiting Tokyo, there's a good chance you will be heading to the famous Shibuya scramble crossing! Its a crazy, intense experience to navigate your way through the MASSIVE crowds.
The Secret Viewpoint Above Shibuya Crossing
If you're visiting Tokyo, there's a good chance you will be heading to the famous Shibuya scramble crossing! Its a crazy, intense experience to navigate your way through the MASSIVE crowds. You can get some awesome photos from street level of all the interesting characters ranging from busy salary-men & women to dancing cosplay fanatics using the crossing as a stage!
But to get some really awesome photos of Shibuya crossing, you will want to get above street level.. Most people will head to the nearby Starbucks cafe to get a slightly elevated view and enjoy a coffee, but this a such a popular spot that getting a seat near the window is near impossible!
Time for some stealth action!
To get views of Shibuya crossing from above like the ones in this article you will need to act like a secret spy and pretend you are staying in the fancy hotel that overlooks the crossing, this way you can get right to the 25th floor and enjoy some amazing sights of the city and the crossing!
Your mission, if you choose to accept it:
- Look for the building pictured and head towards it, you will find an entrance with 2 elevators.
- Head to the 5th floor (do not go directly to the 25th floor, you will be caught).
- Once you step out on the 5th floor, act like you know what your doing and walk directly ahead past the 'hotel guests only' sign, and to the other elevators.
- Now you can hit the 25th floor button!
This will place you in a area just out of view from the staff facing the regular lifts, and will give you ample time to snap some birds-eye view photos!
I even managed to get away with setting up a tripod on the window and recording a time-lapse, but after about 15 minutes I was finally caught! But don't worry, just be nice and say sorry and you will be shown the elevator.
More from Tokyo:
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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Secret Rooftop Bar In Bangkok
Want to spend your last night in Bangkok on the roof of a tall building overlooking the city in all of its glory?!
Secret rooftop bar In Bangkok
Want to spend your last night in Bangkok on the roof of a tall building overlooking the city in all of its glory?! Of course you do, but do you also want to share that rooftop experience with a huge crowd of tourists? Probably not..
If you're interested in finding a quieter rooftop bar in Bangkok that allows you to relax and take in the sights in peace, you might find it here.. I cannot guarantee it hasn't been overrun by tourists now, but I checked in 2018 and it was still pretty chilled.
The name of the bar/restaurant is River View Guest House, and can be found here on google maps. This rooftop bar features a spectacular view over Bangkok river with a perfect angle to watch the sunset.
The Entrance
The entrance to the bar is located down a small alleyway that might be a little hard to find, but using google maps you should be fine, just look for this place in the photo above, the entrance in a hotel style reception, just tell them you are going to the rooftop bar and proceed to the lift.
Be sure to get there early to see the sunset, but don't forget to stay late to see some epic sights like above, if your lucky you might see lightning in the distance. With the river populated by brightly coloured tour boats of all colours and the sky flashing striking shows of electricity this will be sure to make a night to remember.. AND ITS FREE!!
For more Bangkok info check out: Cheapest ATM In Bangkok
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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Abandoned Buildings - Rayong Coast
Along the coast a few hours from the bustling chaotic streets of Bangkok rests the small town of Rayong, a urban explorers dream come true..
Abandoned Buildings - Rayong Coast
Along the coast a few hours from the bustling chaotic streets of Bangkok rests the small town of Rayong and if you keep travelling (via local songthaews) you can reach the beach village of Hat Mae Rumphueng. An area built for tourism at only one time of the year it seems.. for as soon as the holidays are over the whole area becomes completely void of tourists.
I stayed in this hotel along with about 3 other guests.. Private room for 200 baht!!
Of-course, the locals still live here and go about their daily lives, but there is a completely different feeling from the normal backpacker routes of Thailand. During my week here I only saw about 3 other non-locals!
I'm not too sure on the full story, but it seems like this place had hopes to become a well known tourism hot spot.. But the dreams obviously didn't come into fruition..
The coast line is littered with abandoned buildings, apartments and huge hotels like the one above! There are hotels that have stayed open, but they remain almost empty and running a skeleton crew for most of the year.
This makes it particularly easy to stroll into any of these hotels and just take the elevator straight to the roof, no one is really paying any attention and you can get away with pretending you are staying there by just looking confident!
Sneaking into the tallest abandoned hotel
The hotel is basically this place on google maps, you will be able to spot it instantly if you turn on satellite view. The whole building is completely overrun by nature and is an amazing place to explore, the parking lot looks like something out of the game 'The Last Of Us' or the film 'I Am Legend'.
The inside of the building is completely gutted, and is probably the home to a few homeless people.. which for a solo explorer makes the place that much more eerie not knowing what will be around the next corner..
The views from the windows on the upper levels are incredible! A clean unspoiled coastline on one side, and a lush green expanse of villages with a mountain overlooking them on the other side.
If your interested in abandoned buildings and places a little off the normal beaten track then Rayong is definitely worth a visit.
For more travel photography check out: 14 Photos That Will Inspire You To Travel
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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Japanese Working Holiday Visa Guide
The mysteries you will uncover in the land of the rising sun are awaiting you. Here's your step-by-step guide to getting a WHV.
Japanese Working Holiday Visa Guide
Getting a working holiday visa for にほん (日本) requires a little bit more legwork than some other countries, for instance the Australian WHV can be done online and just requires personal details but it does come with the downside of costing way more, £250! Considering the Japanese WHV is only £20 in the UK and free in Ireland, the extra legwork seems pretty acceptable.
The process of applying for a Japanese WHV is relatively easy, you will have to sacrifice at least two week days to do it though. You cannot apply online and will need to visit your local embassy:
In the UK: London or Edinburgh.
In Ireland: Dublin.
The process once you get there is relatively simple, grab a ticket, wait for your number, hand over documents and passport, pay visa fee and wait one week to then come back and collect passport with visa stuck inside it (hopefully).
The documents needed are as follows:
Outline of intended activities
This has to be a list of your entire itinerary for your year in Japan.. I know right! Okay so before you worry about your plan to have no plan, it really doesn't matter! I completely made mine up and there were no problems at all.
From the research I did, it seems that a list in the form of months works well eg:
July 2019 - September 2019
For the first few months I intend to travel around the country, exploring the many wonderful sights and experiencing the the food and culture on offer. This time will also be used to gauge the cost of living and how much I may have to work during my stay, I will also look into what kind of work may be available to me later, and where in the country I might look for work.
To make it even easier, here is my whole itinerary that you could just edit into your own wording and save yourself some work.
For people in Ireland there is a specific form for this, which you can download here and fill in (potentially just copy my paragraphs across and reword it).
Written reason for applying
Again this is expected to be a A4 page with your intentions and reasons for wanting to visit Japan. This can be anything and everything about what has inspired you to travel to the land of the rising sun, for instance here is a sample from my letter:
I have been fascinated with Japan for just over 2 years now, it's a country rich in culture and history. I have enjoyed talking with people I met travelling about their adventures in Japan, this sparked my interest in learning the language and as much as possible about what life is like in Japan. Having already travelled extensively throughout Australia on a 2 year working visa I wanted to challenge myself by visiting a country that had a unique culture completely different from my own.
Hopefully this is enough inspiration to set you off on your writing, but if you're still struggling, here is my whole letter for you to download and edit into your own wording.
visa application form
The form is quite straightforward, just fill in your personal details and give the name of a hostel or wherever you want to stay first when it asks where you intend to stay. Use a proper passport photo, I printed one off using my inkjet printer and had to then go get a proper one done at a shop near the embassy.. (doi!)
Here is the application form for you to download and fill in.
proof of funds
Unlike other visa's I have applied for, this was a strict requirement. For instance the Australian visa states that you must have at least $5000 or $2500 and a return plane ticket, but over the 2 years I was there I never met anyone who had been checked for this.
The Japanese WHV requires you to have at least £3000 in cleared funds and at least 3 months of bank statements to prove this (€3200 for Ireland), or £1500 (€1600) and a return plane ticket.
This is where things got a little different for me, I kept my money in a NS&I premium bonds account as I found it much easier to save, with the money being harder to access than a simple transfer via an app. I was asked to print off proof of myself paying into this account from my main bank account as well as the proof of the money being in the premium bonds.. it got a little complicated and the lady handling my visa forms had to consult her manager leaving me worried it might not be accepted.. but it was fine in the end.
Make sure you update your CV before you bundle it with your documents, I'm not sure what difference the CV makes to your total visa process but they ask for it and keep it anyway. I guess just another way of making sure you are actually able to hold down a job and wont end up stranded in Japan unable to afford a flight home!
Again for the people of Ireland, there is another specific form to fill in for this part, download it here and then copy your CV details across.
You will need to bring your passport and be ready to let them hold onto it for a week while they process your application, this is the only thing they will give back to you as they keep all they other documents you handed over.
The visa application fee as of 2018 is £19 (free in Ireland), considerably cheaper than many others!
And that is it, you're ready to go! For any more info head directly to the Japanese embassy websites:
Hopefully you are now one step closer to stepping foot in the mysterious land of fleeting cherry blossoms, vast white snowscapes, tropical coral bays and futuristic cities. がんばろう!
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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Camera Upgrade - Canon EOS M5 Review
The images that the Canon M5 produce are top notch, simply put if you are into landscape photography then this is the mirrorless camera you need..
Camera Upgrade - Canon EOS M5 Review
After 2 years of solid performance (examples here), my faithful Canon G16 has finally handed in its notice and is being replaced by a new workhorse known as the Canon M5. This new camera is a substantial upgrade in all corners of camera technology compared to the G16 bringing along with it an 8x bigger image sensor, double the megapixels and the ability to swap out lenses which will be a huge benefit.
The Key Specs:
- 24 Megapixels
- APS-C sensor
- Electronic viewfinder
- Mirrorless design
- Touch screen
- Articulating screen
- Flip flash
- Smartphone remote control
So firstly let's dive deeper into some of those specs and see what this camera is all about, starting with its mirrorless design. This is referring to the fact it doesn't use an actual mirror inside the camera to reflect the image passing through the lens up to the viewfinder, thus saving a large amount of space (ever wonder why those big DSLR's are so big?). In mirrorless designs the image you see through the viewfinder and on the back screen are both projected electronically straight from the sensor, this is excellent for people needing a more compact and lighter camera, perfect for travel!
Below is a quick sketch I did to help you visualize the differences:
Moving onto the APS-C sensor which is refering the size of the sensor, this part of the camera is important for a few things, one of them being the amount of light the camera can grab from the scene it see's when you press the shutter, the smaller the sensor the less light that will make its way onto the sensor meaning there is more chance of a noisy (grainy) image.
The sensor also helps create depth of field in a image, ever wonder why all those photos you take on your phone have everything in focus? A larger sensor gives greater depth of field meaning you can create beautiful photos with blurry backgrounds. The APS-C sensor is a pretty common size for mid to top-end cameras, with 'full frame' used in pro cameras and medium format reserved for concept cameras.
So after giving the Canon M5 a decent run about with a few different lenses it's fair to say that the M5 is a pretty responsive camera, it has a high quality touch screen which is a really nice addition even if the dials and buttons are very intuitive and quick to use.
I noticed the camera seemed a little slow to process images after taking long exposures and the focus isn't the fastest.. But this camera isn't made for sports photography or subjects that need speedy auto-focus and high fps captures, where it excels is in its beautiful colours that create wonderful high quality images, which brings us to the next point..
Image Quality:
The images that the Canon M5 produce are top notch, simply put if you are into landscape photography then this is the mirrorless camera you need! Given the time you get when snapping landscapes this camera can really shine, its 24MP's can produce high detail colour rich shots ready for large scale printing.
'Beautiful image quality is where this camera really holds its highest cards'
Build Quality:
The camera at first glance looks delicate with so many dials and buttons and its small appearance, but after handling it you get the sense that it is made pretty sturdy with a metal hood around the top housing the dials. The rest of the body is made from high quality plastic and covered in a grippy rubber outer layer, in general it feels like it would handle a few knocks. The only thing that lets it down is the fold out screen, it has 2 very thin metal arms for support which with normal careful use will be fine but I could see them bending easily if the screen gets a knock while it is extended.
ISO Range:
I've tested the ISO abilities of the Canon M5 here with 4 identical shots in low light, as you can see the camera performed exceptionally well at ISO 1000 with a very clean image and no noticeable noise. At ISO 4000 the noise has started to creep in, but it is still at a useable level and won't destroy a perfect moment, when I got to ISO 10,000 the noise is clearly visible and thus won't be useful for any professional photography, but it will get you the photo you need (if you need it).
Surprisingly the level of noise at 25,600 doesn't seem to be that much different from 10,000, meaning you will be able to get a very dimly lit shot and not have to sacrifice having the image destroyed by noise, this is all likely due to the M5 running Canon's latest image processor the Digic 7 which is supposedly 16x faster than the Digic 6 and has much better noise reduction abilities.
All in all I would be very happy to recommend this camera to anyone who is an avid photographer looking to upgrade from mid-range cameras, this is Canon's flagship Mirrorless camera (as of 2018) and it does an incredible job for its size!
If you are a videographer then this probably won't satisfy your needs and vlogging is also not a strong point, but when it comes to landscapes and long exposure photography this camera stands out from the crowd. Below are some sample images taken with the M5:
If you're interested in checking out some of my photography that is available on canvas, click here! I am eternally grateful to anyone who thinks my work is good enough to hang on a wall.. ✌
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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Winter Wonderland - Hyde Park, London
There is so much to see and do here that you will easily lose hours just wandering around taking in the sights, they even have a gigantic..
Winter Wonderland - Hyde Park, London
This year I've been able to visit the massive winter wonderland in Hyde park, London! It's the first time I've managed to check it out and it was pretty good fun, admittedly the crowds were insane but it's london so its gonna be packed from now until Xmas I'd say..
There is so much to see and do here that you will easily lose hours just wandering around taking in the sights, they have a gigantic Bavarian village with bars and markets, 8 rollercoasters among many other fairground rides and enough food stalls to satisfy any kind of hunger you have!
The classic characters from The Hangover even get their own ride!! Just look at those accurate faces below hahaha! And who can forget the one thing that everyone thinks of when they imagine 'Christmas fun'... the haunted house ride ofcourse!!
The reel highlight of the night (see what I did there) though was the deep sea ice sculptures exhibit, having never been in any kind of ice bar or similar experience before it was quite a shock stepping through the doors and into sub zero temperatures (-10°C)! But this added to the fun and seeing people extremely unprepared for the cold was even funnier to see.
According to the information inside the exhibit, the sculptures took about 6 months to complete..
The level of detail in some of these ice divers is insane, and with the inclusion of the trippy lights and undersea soundscape, it makes for quite the psychedelic experience..
Entrance to the ice sculptures is around £10 depending on if you visit during peek of off-peek.
Be sure to grab a photo on the ice thrones, much better than the green screen photo they take as you enter the exhibit. For some reason I thought it would be a great idea to strip down before the photo.. as you can see from my face, it was pretty fecking brisk! Especially when my back touched the ice ahaha!
If you're looking for something festive to do this winter in London it's worth a visit, and its free to enter, so go grab a mulled wine and enjoy some Xmas songs in a wonderland of lights, rides and comfort food ✌
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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Cheapest ATM In Bangkok
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Cheapest ATM In Bangkok
Aeon atm's are the cheapest to withdraw cash from, currently charging only 150 baht rather than 220 like most other atm's.
Unfortunately they aren't as common as many other cash points.. Scroll down for help finding the most central Aeon atm in Bangkok, within walking distance of Khao San Road.
This is what the outside of the shop looks like that you will be searching for, the atm is located just inside the door.
Something along the lines of this, look for a purple atm.
Good luck and stay hydrated!
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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A New Way Of Thinking About Traveling With Purpose
It is not how many places you visit, but how deep you go in each place you visit. It is not just traveling, it is...
A New Way Of Thinking About Traveling With Purpose
About 4 months ago, Taran and I came across each other. Our journeys intercepted in Thailand, at The Mindfulness Project, one of the most insightful and enriching adventures during my travels so far. The invite to write this guest post came at our last day at the project, which was coincidently the same, when I asked him to sign my MLA flag I carry along the way, where all of those I cross paths with leave their mark.
Now you may wonder, as everyone else does, what is a MLA? And that is the reason I am writing this post today, to introduce you a new concept of traveling with purpose.
But before I get there, let me give you a bit of background on how it started. For years I had been living on autopilot. Most of my decisions were more of a reflection of society, family and friends, rather than what I truly wanted for myself. Basically, I was mostly doing what I should, rather than what I wanted, not paying much attention to my intuition and inner voice. Decisions went from the area of study I chose, the universities I applied for, the master I finished, to the first and only company I worked for. And all those years I kept feeling something was not quite right, something was missing, there was no sense of realization, and there were only very few moments of true happiness, which kept being delayed to a distant future. Fortunately, almost 3 years ago I started questioning myself. I wanted more. I wanted to be happy at every moment of my life. And that, I believed, I would find by living fully by my purpose in the now. I listed a few options. Change jobs, change company, go back to study or… travel! I did apply for other jobs and other companies, I did check different PhD’s and also MBA’s. But none of them were appealing enough, neither had I thought they would bring me an answer to my quest. So, I was left with traveling. However, just traveling by itself was
also not attractive enough. So I slept on it. And one night the idea came. I am going to do a MLA, ie. a Master in Life Adventures.
The idea is simple: to travel the world whilst developing new skills and competencies and exploring and leveraging passions and talents. Whereas when studying I would have to fit the program, when doing a MLA the program would fit me, my desires, my needs, my questions and my objectives. The MLA would be fully owned by me and, therefore completely tailored to myself. An amazing opportunity to get inspired, to learn and develop and to meet people all over the world. And a little, or actually big hand in finding my purpose.
And, because of the stigma that still exists about traveling for long periods of time, especially in my home country, I wanted to show the world how beneficial, how enriching and how important traveling with purpose can be. That is why my dream is to transform the MLA concept into a certification, available to all. A certification that comprises of quality and that gives confidence to people wanting to travel with purpose, empowering them to fly and to flourish. This idea is work in progress at the moment and, for now, I am trying to prove the concept by being the first to officially do a MLA!
So, 8 months ago I finally quit my job. I didn't ask for a sabbatical, which I could have done. I just quit. I wanted to have time and space to explore. I wanted to go back to play, like when you are a child. I wanted the same flexibility, the same freedom. I wanted not to know what I was going to do next (the most frequently asked question I get). I wanted to allow any new opportunities that could come along.
I started by listing the adventures I always wanted to live but had never had the chance, the skills and competencies I wanted to develop and the countries I had always dreamed of visiting. And then, in January this year, I bought the tickets and in March I was taking off to India to begin my adventures with a 2 week yoga and meditation retreat at the Phool Chatti Ashram in Rishikesh. Breaking out of my auto-pilot and getting grounded were the objectives. I had never done yoga before, in fact, for years, I thought I hated it... I used to say out loud I was not interested in slow sports, as I would ignorantly characterize yoga. But I was willing to give it a chance with my MLA and it actually sounded like a good start. Far was I from realizing I would fall in love with the science behind yoga and make it a daily practice throughout the rest of my trip. Something I would have never realized without my MLA.
Admiring the Ganges River from Phool Chatti Ashram, Rishikesh, India
Getting certified in yoga and meditation from Phool Chatti Ashram, Rishikesh, India
Visiting The Beatles Ashram, Rishikesh, India
After one month in India, stopping at New Delhi, Rishikesh, Agra and Varanasi, I headed to Nepal to learn construction skills with All Hands Volunteers, helping to rebuild schools after the earthquake. Soon I realized heavy construction was not my thing. And the MLA is also that, trial and error, sense checking, answering questions. But I still loved the experience and getting to know the amazing people dedicating their time to such a great cause. Also because, for me, what matters the most are not the things you do, but whom you do them with.
Working day at All Hands Volunteers, Thulo Packar, Nepal
Resting day at All Hands Volunteers, Thulo Packar, Nepal
Exploring the local culture, Backtapur, Nepal
After 1 month in Nepal, stopping at Kathmandu, Thulo Packar, Backtapur, Patna and Pockara, I headed to Thailand to get immersed in permaculture and Buddhism at The Mindfulness Project. There, I would be developing different skills such as gardening, cooking, natural products making, teaching, yoga and meditation. And, again, getting to know beautiful people, from all over the world, with very different backgrounds and inspiring life stories to share.
Teaching English with The Mindfulness Project, Khon Kaen, Thailand
Saying farewell to The Mindfulness Project community, Khon Kaen, Thailand
After 3 weeks in Thailand, stopping at Bangkok, Hua Hin and Khon Khaen, I headed to Myanmar. This time, just for the purpose of visiting and getting inspired by the breathtaking landscapes and local culture. The MLA is also that, allowing the time and space to explore and get inspired by the beautiful places our earth has to offer.
Exploring hundreds of temples, Bagan, Myanmar
Getting inspired with painting like landscapes, Inle Lake, Myanmar
After 12 days in Myanmar, stopping at Mandalay, Bagan, Inle Lake and Yangoon, I headed to Bali, Indonesia. There, I used Work Away to find a hospitality volunteer job, where I could learn about the business, for which I always had an interest but never had the opportunity to experience. For 2 months I volunteered at an eco-guesthouse and yoga studio in Canggu, working directly with the general manager, supporting in strategy, marketing and human resources. I had the unique opportunity to dive into the business and to see most of my recommendations being implemented while I was still there. My remaining time in Bali was used for traveling around the island, exploring the delicious cafes, surfing and practicing yoga and meditation.
Shooting at the most photogenic beach in the world, Pandawa Beach, Bali, Indonesia
Going for a board meeting, Canggu, Bali, Indonesia
Fueling my working day, Cafe Organic, Canggu, Bali, Indonesia
Celebrating life through practice, The Practice, Canggu, Bali, Indonesia
After living for 3 months in Bali, stopping at Canggu, Uluwatu and Ubud, I headed to Australia, where I am traveling at the moment along the New South Wales coast!
Celebrating Father’s Day with one of my host families, Sydney, Australia
Overlooking the Opera House, Sydney, Australia
Petting a kangaroo for the first time, Pambula, Australia
Overlooking one of the thousand beautiful beaches along the coast, Newcastle, Australia
Making it to the most easterly point of the Australian mainland, Byron Bay, Australia
"It is not how many places you visit, but how deep you go in each place you visit."
For the past 6 months, by developing different skills and competencies, by exploring and leveraging my passions and talents and by meeting so many extraordinary and inspiring people, I see myself closer to realize my purpose. And, because of that, I have shifted around my itinerary and, instead of literally going round the world as initially planned, I will return to the places which will support me the most in that mission. Because the MLA is not structure, it is flexibility. It is not rules, it is freedom. It is not a collection of adventures, it is a journey. It is not how many places you visit, but how deep you go in each place you visit. It is not just traveling, it is a transformational experience on the inside that reflects on the outside.
Thank you for reading and I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas about the MLA concept so, together, we can bring it to life.
You can follow my MLA journey at www.masterinlifeadventures.com
@catarinaholstein and @mla.haveyounoticed.
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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Punkle Fester Southampton / The Talking Heads - Photo Essay
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Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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Death Of The Passenger Aeroplane - SpaceX BFR
Most long distance trips in under 30 mins and anywhere in under 60 mins! And for the same price as...
The Death Of The Passenger Aeroplane - SpaceX BFR
Today saw the latest live conference from arguably the world's most influential entrepreneur of modern times, Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX. The talk was centred around the company's soon to be built BFR, and I'm sure you can decrypt that acronym yourself!!
The BFR is primarily a rocket to replace all SpaceX's current rockets with a goal of flying cargo to Mars as early as 2022! and passengers in 2024! This is a very optimistic plan, but nevertheless it is building excitement in space exploration which is never a bad thing.
Earth To Earth
The conference ended with a surprise though, as Elon unveiled plans to make this rocket part of the transport industry here on earth.. The BFR (currently just a codename by the way) will be capable of taking people around the world in staggeringly quick times! Here are the plans and facts:
- Comfortable seat around 100 passengers. Airbus A380 can sit around 555 passengers.
- Travel at speeds of 18,000 mph in LEO (low earth orbit). Airbus A380 - 560 mph.
- Cost per seat will be the same as a full economy seat in current aeroplanes.
- Capable of carrying 150 tonnes of cargo. Airbus A380 - 150 tonnes of cargo.
- Travel most long distance trips within 30 minutes.
- Anywhere in the world in under 60 minutes.
The big one in that list is the price, if SpaceX is capable of getting the price of a seat as low as current economy aeroplane seat prices then I think there is no question that this will be a success, even at a higher yet still affordable price it would be a breakthrough in the transport sector! Imagine going from London to Sydney in 51 minutes as opposed to 20 hours on Airbus A380 .. You wouldnt even have time to watch a film.
Check out the video that ended the conference with a bang below:
Thanks for reading!
Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!
Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!
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